
Question about progress

  1. The progress we do right now will be restarted? I understood it was restarted from the previous version, but this one is stable so I guess what we do know we wont lose it? otherwise it has no sense to play yet i guess..
  2. This is the beta/alpha of the game. Playing it allows us to make sure the launch is bug-less and as polished as possible. If no one plays it then it will take us longer to release the game because it will take us longer to find and fix the bugs.
  3. I get it but then you should have allow to do free moves, it has no sense all the effort and waiting, if you want us to test it just make it "free" movement how it was the game previous to be close. There wouldnt be any problem as you will restart once you will launch the game... and players will be able to test everything, I see no motivation to try and go, take care of my dinos and even get some feelings for them now, knowing I will lose them. At least in the other way we can test things before the official lunch.
  4. Those are valid points.

    As we get closer to the launch -and we are- we need to test the features as they will be at launch.

    Actions were infinite for some time during the beta/alpha. But that is no longer necessary.