- Hello, im a native Spanish speaker so forgive me if i make mistakes in english
I have soldiers at my capital, but when i try to add them to my generalm it gives me this error:
_EternalKingdom a rencontré un problème interne !
Erreur n°0 - No route found for "GET": Method Not Allowed (Allow: POST)_
i haven't found any information about this in the forum, i will be very grateful if someone knows what doi have to do to fix it
Thank you! - Hello @chiquito !
Your issue is quite strange!
Did you confirmed the unit transfer in a specific way?
You should just click confirm 🤔 Did you do something else?
Thanks for the report! - I don't know if you will read this for being a month later, but I have found the solution after having the same problem.
You see, I don't speak French myself, so I use the browser auto-translator. When I deactivated the translation (in order to write a new thread on this matter and copy the proper logs) and oppened the transfer window, all went fine and I could conclude the transfer.
I hope this helps. - Hello !
I'll try to reproduce the issue in local using the spanish language, there is maybe something wrong when we play in a different language.
Thanks for the report!