
Blocked from the game.

  1. Since the update to Alpha, I cannot acess the game. Every time I log in, I get an "Error: too many redirects".
    It only happens with the main site, I can access the staging site normally. I have even tried the Eternal Twin application, and still impossible.
  2. Hello !

    We're investigating it. Sadly it is not trivial to reproduce and debug so i hope, we'll fix it soon!

    Both version have the same issues...
  3. Hello Kemm

    Can you try to play on

    And warn me if the issue happens again!

    Thanks again
  4. works fine.
  5. The only issue I see is that turns do not restock yet, so it's impossible to not go into the negatives.
  6. Hello Kemm!

    That's "normal" since turns refill is not yet implemented
    You can play indefinitely and it helps us to report any bugs that you find

    I try to summarize everything in the news page but it's in french for now.

    Thanks for playing 🙏
  7. I have the same issue, only on the staging version.

    J'ai le même problème, sur la version "staging" uniquement.

    Si je peux donner des infos pour aider au debug dites moi quoi faire !
  8. Wait
    You got the issue on the version

    It should not happen anymore with my fix that i uploaded two weeks ago D: !
  9. Well, yes, that's still the case...

    When I connect I see the "news" page with all the info.
    Instead of the usuals tabs with "Gestion", "Carte", "Capitale" etc, I see "Game over".
    (I don't remember dying of old age but maybe it happened!)

    When I click on this "Game over", I end up in the redirect error.

    If I can do something to help you find out why, just tell me.
  10. Hello,

    I uploaded the
    I hope it will fix the issue

    I changed a bit how every redirect works. Logout should always return to the raw homepage without trying to redirect the user.
    It was maybe not disconnecting the user properly.

    I still use some rediction but we should have wayyyy less issue with it!

    Tell me if you encounter it again!