
My Brute: What is Rank Advancement ?

  1. When im in the cell of my brute i get offered this:" Rank advancement your Brutalo will be reset to level 1 along with his fate"
    what exactly does it mean despite my brute being level 1 again, does it have any benefits if i advance in rank?
  2. you just go to the next rank, and can choose a different tree path if you want or follow the same
  3. But what does the next rank mean? What exactly are the benefits?
  4. You still have the old destiny tracked so you can choose different path to optimize your brute.

    Everyone got this same mechanic. So implicitly more you rank up, better your brute and the brutes you are fighting against are as well.
    It means that it is harder to be on top of the leaderboard with that in mind.