

  1. I was wondering why the pace of the game is almost as slow as the original game was, back in the days clanwars, dojo and things like that made this matter less, but this is alpha and everything will be wiped. even for the main launch i think the pace of the game should be higher with more ap per day. Also i think you should work on a more in-depth ingame guide. Rianon's Dino RPG guide is still the sole source for english speaking players and it is in a very bad shape specially its dinoz page where u don't even have full access to all of the images.
  2. one more thing i wanted to mention, i don't see my dinoz avatar beside their name, is this just for me or its not implemented at all?
  3. Hey Phantastik,

    Thank you for playing the game and participating to the testing.

    There is one simple answer to why all the things you mention (dojo, clan wars) are not available: it is better they have not been implemented yet. They will come in the future and probably after the release.

    While we are players, guides and wikis are managed by the community. You can contribute to the wiki yourself if you are motivated:
    Note that the code is open source so, in a way, no-more guessing.

    We plan on adding the little avatars of the dinoz next to their name in a future update.

  4. I also meant to add that the gold gains have been increased in this version of the games. Which increases significantly the pace of the game, as in, it's easier to have longer play sessions.
  5. Thank you, I'm not sure if i can help with that as i know zero coding, however ill look into it if its not that complicated. having a good guide hub is important and i think we need the alpha community to try to make it whole before the relaunch of the game
  6. So everything we have in this version of the game will be lost when they release the final version?
  7. yes that's why i thought the pace of the game can be faster because its all testing phase anyway, however don't let this dissuade you from playing, early testings are really important for a successful relaunch, dinorpg always had the potential to be big however it never got what it could have and i always blamed twinoid for it, lets see how our new dev's will do :P
  8. The phase of testing where actions were unlimited and the pace faster was completed quite some time ago. This was change to work on balancing gold earnings and progression in the game.