
🧪 EK - Some News about the Battle 🧪

  1. Hello! I'm currently working on the Battle system and it goes well but i'm not ready to release for everyone.
    But for anyone willing to test, the test server got the version in preview but be aware that this can be unstable. In any case, the worlds are different there!

    You can access it here :

    Bonjour ! Je suis en train de travailler sur le système des batailles et tout se passe bien mais je n'ai pas encore de version propre pour le déployer pour tout le monde. Mais pour quiconque désireux de tester en avant première sur une version potentiellement instable. Dans tous les cas, les mondes y sont différents de vos parties en cours.

    Vous pouvez y aller en utilisant ce lien :

    Here is the full patch notes of the current version pre-release
    👑 Addition / Changes :

    Battle :
    - Battle logic are here! For now, it's a fake simulation that just compare the total health of all units of each army + bonus for balista in defense & catapult in attack.
    The winner got the territory, the loser lost one glory point & all the armies in defense are cleared.
    - Battle page show all the armies' units and on which side they are on.
    - Some Battle Logs have been implemented (territory defense joined, general joined, battle ended)
    - Battle draw doesn't do anything
    - Fortification has been implemented (General automatically joins the Battle in defense).

    - We now see the "View Battle" action on the attacked node and all nearby Generals.
    - We now see the Attacking General animation :sparkles:
    - Conquest Log has been added

    Management :
    - We now display different sprite and text according to the current general action (moving, attacking, fortifying or just waiting)

    User :
    - Removed tooltip from enemy / friend button
    - Implemented the translation on the neutral button / tooltip

    Misc :
    - Updated News & Credits with new contributors :sparkles:

    See you later in game !

    Don't hesitate to react about the test server here!
    Thanks everyone for your support and see youuu 😁
    - Prevent to start a battle if the place is not defended by any armies : this means the attacking general will conquer the territory without resistance.
    - Battle now engage City Defense when triggered (before it was ignored).
    - Prevent to fortify a territory that we don't own (in case a battle just finished and you was out of date with the map)
    - Fortifying Generals should now appear fighting on the map after a battle started
    - Added Win/Lose Log in the Management page
    - Updated credits

    - Improved the worldmap settings color preview, it is now change as soon as we move the slider.

    - Fixed an issue preventing to display the worldmap if we're not connected or not playing on the inspected world.
    - Fixed an issue that prevent the player to select a general after he moved.

    👑 Addition / Changes
    - A first version of Inactivity has been implemented. (it doesn't rely on Turn System for now).
    - Inactivity has been set to 7 days.
    - Updated the News page
    - Added server time on the footer
    - Revamp the Battle logic (it will now be easier to iterate on this feature).

    ⚙️ Fixes
    - Fixed wrong link in the Diplomacy Tab of the Management page

  5. I'm back on the development!

    The team faced several blocking issues that are a bit hard to debug/solve but I hope being able to work harder on this in the next few weeks to deliver a early full battle experience :)

    Next priority for the Battle :
    - Generate Fight over time
    - Fight resolution with lost on both side
    - Battle Rendering
  6. Hello, here is some bugfixes!!


    🤖 Fixes
    - [Management] Fixed a bug preventing to suicide if our general was engaged in a battle
    - [User] We should not be able to inspect the kingdom of a dead lord anymore
    - Fixed Some translations


    🤖 Fixes
    - [Map] Fixed a bug where General can't do any actions on their capital when they are not sovereign of the node anymore
    - [City] Fixed a bug that was changing the buildings order when upgrading a building
    - [Management] Fixed a bug that was changing the generals order when executing actions with them
    - [Map] Losing a territory should correctly update the glory

    More fixes are on the way!
  7. Hello ! J'ai pu résoudre un gros paquet de bugs sur staging

    👑 Addition / Changes
    - [City] Improved the french and english upgrade translation of the barracks to mention that only units in the capital city are free![Map] After an attack, map is refreshed on the attacking general
    - [Map] Resource spot count is now limited to the max amount of players in the world @zasfree (if you want to test that)

    - [Map] Fixed the harvest notification not displayed when we collect the last resources of a Resource Spot
    - [City] Improved the french and english upgrade translation of the barracks to mention that only units in the capital city are free!
    - [Battle] Fixed a bug that were locking all engaged Generals in a Battle when the battle ends with a draw.
    - [Battle] Prevent to move a general if this general is engaged in a battle
    - [User] Fixed an issue preventing to display the User page

    👑 Addition / Changes
    - [Management] Added log when a battle starts (either when we instigated it or when we got attacked by someone)

    - [Map] Fixed a bug preventing to start a move from the node with the index 0
    - [Map] Fixed the "invisible" general bug that was triggering when starting a movement between two nodes that are not adjacent!
    - [Map] Fixed a bug with general shortcuts not centering on the proper general
  8. Alpha > 21

    👑Addition / Changes
    - [Battle] First iteration of the Battle Rendering 😱
    - [Map] Capital city attack is now disabled for now (since it creates too many unhandled issues)
    - [Map] Fortification doesn't reload the map anymore + added confirmation popup
    - [Management] Added Territory Stolen logs (for the instigator and the victim)

    - [Map] Fixed a bug that doesn't update the glory when we steal a territory without battle